Software Engineer, ML @ TigerIT
  • Residence:
  • City:
  • Age:
data structures
computer vision
natural language processing
linux + bash + git
  • PyTorch
  • Tensorflow
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Transformer
  • Kaldi
  • AWS
  • CUDA Programming

whoami in 1 minute!

<code> I design & build </code>



TigerIT Bangladesh Limited
Software Engineer, ML
Oct 2019 - Present
  • Developed ANPR system using PyTorch, TensorFlow, CUDA, Redis, Minio, Mosquitto, and rtsp-stream-server. Trained detection and recognition models on multiple GPU servers, achieving 95% real-time accuracy for processing RTSP camera feeds. Implemented WebSocket and DeepSORT for efficient vehicle tracking.
  • Led a 4-person team in data preprocessing and created an ANPR web client for parking, vehicle tracking, toll collection, and RFID-based systems. Streamlined data management, enhancing ANPR efficiency and accuracy.
  • Built Facial Recognition System (FRS) with PyTorch, TensorFlow, CUDA, Redis, Minio, Mosquitto, and rtsp-stream-server. Implemented ArcFace, MTCNN, RetinaFace, and DSFD models for high-accuracy face detection and recognition.
  • Created 1100 clusters for 1.2 million Rohingya embeddings, improving facial data efficiency. Resolved memory leaks, ensuring system stability. Implemented Deep Sort for reliable person tracking in identity management solutions for government agencies, enterprises, and service providers.
  • Evaluated ML models using accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, AUC, cross-validation, confusion matrix, and ROC analysis. Kept up-to-date with ML advancements through research papers, conferences, webinars, and active participation in GitHub and Kaggle communities.
  • Orchestrated a team of 12 engineers to explore and train cutting-edge transformer models for Natural Language Processing (NLP), achieving remarkable advancements in RASA chatbot, ASR, TTS, and NLU systems. Enabled Bengali voice command recognition, enhancing user accessibility and engagement.
  • Deployed ML model using Docker containers on an AWS-based Kubernetes cluster, integrating RESTful APIs with website backend systems. Deployed voice technology products, enabling seamless voice command recognition and enhancing user engagement.
  • Implemented voice technology products with impressive performance metrics, including ASR accuracy of 92% and TTS naturalness rating of 4.5/5.
Data Scientist
Jul 2019 - Sep 2019

Designed two separate recommendation systems to recommend relevant jobs to candidates and vice versa using Auto-Encoder and Boltzman Machine in Python and Flask. The systems helped candidates find the right job for their skillset, resulting in a 25% increase in successful job placements.

Dreamerz Lab Limited
Software Engineer
Jan 2019 - Jun 2019

Created 2 games in Unity, one is a Multiplayer First Person Shooting game named “Battle of Hatirjhil” and another one is an Augmented Reality game named “Demon Slayer”. Experimented different AI algorithms in the game-play to make the game fun! Also worked on an Augmented reality application named “Attire LabAR” based on cloth fitting instead of using the Trail room in the shopping mall.

Packt Publications Limited
Data Science Author
Feb 2018 - Dec 2018

Create Online Premium Courses in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Data Science. Courses that published in Pack Publication and Udemy are given below- • Hands-on Deep Q-Learning • Building Natural Language Applications with Tensorflow • Hands-on Machine Learning with Tensorflow


Sajjadul Hakim
Vice President @ TigerIT
I highly recommend Kaiser Hamid Rabbi as an exceptional Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. His expertise and innovation in Biometric Research and end-to-end credential management solutions were evident during our time at TigerIT. Kaiser's lifelong learning mindset, combined with his ability to explain complex concepts, makes him a valuable mentor. His diverse knowledge and dedication to self-improvement make him a well-rounded and effective professional. I confidently endorse Kaiser for his technical skills and passion in software engineering and machine learning.
Monirul Islam
Test Architect @ TigerIT
I enthusiastically recommend Kaiser Hamid Rabbi as a Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. His expertise in Biometric Research and end-to-end credential management solutions is exceptional. He is a lifelong learner, passionate mentor, and possesses a broad knowledge base in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Astronomy. Kaiser's commitment to self-improvement and diverse reading habits make him a well-rounded individual. He is an invaluable asset to any project or team.
Yasin Ali Khan
Senior Software Engineer
I had the pleasure of working with Kaiser Hamid Rabbi at TigerIT Bangladesh Limited, collaborating on several projects. He is a dedicated professional and is willing to put in that extra help whenever you need it. His expertise as a developer is considerable, and it helped our team come up with more efficient solutions on different projects. His contribution is valuable to the side, and I highly recommend Kaiser Hamid Rabbi and would love to work with him again.
S M Rahat Rahman
Graduate Assistant, Civil Engineering Department, Louisiana Tech University
I am pleased to recommend Kaiser Hamid Rabbi as an exceptional Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. As a member of the Machine Learning team at TigerIT, Kaiser's work in Biometric Research and end-to-end credential management solutions demonstrates his expertise and innovation in the field. Kaiser is a lifelong learner and an autodidact who is always pushing himself to the limit. He is both a Computer Scientist and a Machine Learning Engineer, with a passion for Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Astronomy. As someone who has benefited from Kaiser's mentorship in computer programming, I can attest to his ability to explain complex concepts with clarity and precision. His diverse reading habits and dedication to self-improvement also make him a highly effective and well-rounded individual. I would highly recommend Kaiser to anyone looking for an expert in software engineering, machine learning, or a passionate and knowledgeable mentor.